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remains of an invalid carriage

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Typical of the various 'treasures' to be found as you wander around Netley Marsh or Beaulieu. This would appear to be a very disabled disabled conveyance. Villiers engine. Can't imagine it selling for resto, but obviously good for spares.

Stuart Cyphus:
It's a Trilox Rollsette. Like this one below, dating from about the early 1950s I'd say.

 It would indeed need a bit of work, but it's not the worst I've ever seen, nor is it totally beyond hope either. There have been a couple of older, "open" conveyances fully restored from less than this over the years.

 Funnily enough, I was informed by two people at the National that a hulk of some sort had been seen at Netley Marsh, and I was wondering how I was going to find out what it was. Many Thanks Triporteur!  :-*  I strongly suspect also, that this is the very same hulk that was spotted in the Great Dorset Steam Rally autojumble at the time of last year's National when I was holding my Gathering of conveyances.....

Stuart Cyphus:
 Guess what everybody, the Netley Marsh Trilox, as seen at top, has been saved!  :o It now lives in Wiltshire and is NOT going to be broken for parts, in fact work has already commenced on getting it back up & running. Ok, its not going to be restored to as-new factury-standard, (rather the opposite in fact) but then is any old invalid carriage totaly factury-standard by their very nature? (think about it!)

 The main thing is, it's safe & well, and I'm in contact with the owner.  ;D

I know this is a long dead topic but anyone know what happened to the restoration of the Trilox at the top of the page?

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker):
I've seen a mention of a Trilox invalid carriage at Trowbridge museum (in Wiltshire), but I haven't seen it and I've no idea whether this is the same one that Stuart mentions


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