Author Topic: Sans Permis  (Read 7910 times)

Stuart Cyphus

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Sans Permis
« on: May 19, 2006, 09:49:42 am »
Aside from invalid carriages and Reliants, I also have an intrest in french/italian sans permis cars of the 1970s & 1980s. Only trouble is, I can't find much on them. Thus can any of the assembled crowd point me anywhere specific, either on this internet thing, or elsewhere, my particular fancy being the 1975 Acoma Comtesse. Many Tas.

 Jean; you once mentioned to me there was a website with everything youed ever want to know about Acoma's, that had a long & ackward site name. Can we have a link to it please?


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2006, 10:22:55 am »
Hi Stuart, I have a link on my favourites which is, are you ready for this ?

Lets hope it will work for you !!  I was thinking of asking Darren to make it a link on our site but its a bit complex - lets see how you get on first
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Re: Websites
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2006, 10:29:51 am »
I am amazed - it works I have just been back into my reply to Stuart about "sans permis/Acoma "as it appears on the Forum, clicked on the website address I left and up it pops!!  I shall now ask Darren to add it to our links.  If any one else finds a good website with regard to Microcars of course please let me know it I will check it out and if its of sufficient interest to all I will ask Darren to add it to our links.
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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2006, 10:53:58 am »
The link is now on the web-site links page ... but with a little bit of Darren magic I've made that astonishing link appear a little smaller than it actually is  :)


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2006, 09:07:50 pm »
Darren, the Acoma link and the French enthusiast link are connected.  In the French version you can patch into all manner of the little French cars but I can't get it to work for me when translated.  Can you use a little more of your maqic?
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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2006, 04:35:16 pm »
Sadly my magic seems to be largely of the Tommy Cooper variety. I can't even get it to go to the translated page any more, even though the right link is on the web site. I'll see what I can do, but it may result in me chucking the computer out of the window and investing in quill pens and ink bottles.


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2006, 05:26:33 pm »
Pen, Bottle, Bottle, Pen.
Just like that. HAR-HAR-HAR. ;D Sorry.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2006, 08:07:08 pm by robadob »

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2006, 04:43:52 pm »
You're all nuts, you know that don't you!?!!! What hope is there for me with my own slim grasp of reality the longer I continue to mix with you lot.....

 Right then, to Jean, that link does indeed work, so very many tas to you, I shall now depart to rummage through lots of french oddities. I may be some time....


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2006, 04:59:41 pm »
Hi Stuart,

Like you, I am a fan of the Sans Permis class of vehicle as well as the more traditional microcars and cyclemotors.  Anything underpowered will do for me!  I have a regular French holiday haunt in Burgundy with a camp site practically on the banks of a canal - this ticks so many boxes for me.  One evening I was having a nose around the village while the present Mrs D was sleeping off a bottle of red wine and came across a Mini Comtesse Break - the one that looks like a square box.  Yes, it was for sale, yes, I took it for a drive and yes, I wanted it!  My mistake was mentioning it to Mrs D who decided that the equivalent of £400 was too much.  She was probably right but since when have I allowed my head to rule my heart?  I have revisited the village several times since and the car is still there, now buried behind a pile of roofing tiles and a scrap Nissan.  It's probably not worth saving now but I hope to find out if I can persuade the distaff side to come on holiday to Burgundy this year.

I'll copy my info on French micros for you, there's some lovely stuff there, all culled from the pages of a French periodical entitled "Automobilia".

Nick D.
Mitsubago L300 camper van, Honda PC50, Mobylette AV32, Mobylette AV92, Motoconfort X7, Moto Graziella Cheeky Boy, Poirier Manulette MS6 invalid trike, Puch Maxi, Raleigh Wisp, VeloSoleX 5000, VeloSoleX 3300, Power Pak, Cyclemaster & Raleigh RM6.

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2006, 04:46:00 pm »
I said I'd be some time!  Hello Nick, I've been wanting a little word with you as regards little blue objects with one seat and three wheels and the acquisitioning of one, as theres one in Kent (nowt to do with our first lady, Jean) so give us a tinkle some time and I'll fill you in....

 Sans permis. Ooh, you know, I rather fancy a Comtesse Breack...  Looking forward to the copied stuff, anything of mine youd like in return???



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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2006, 10:46:56 pm »

Drear All

Well, I've persuaded Mrs D that Burgundy is a good place for a holiday this year.  I haven't mentioned the Mini Comtesse Break yet - I'm keeping that one up my sleeve. 

On August 20 there's a small microcar meeting for the Sans Permis cars at Laignes, Departement 21 - Burgundy!  What a coincidence!

There's a run to a local lake a few kilometres away, food and drink and some daft games like "how many people can you get in a microcar".  Sounds right up our street, doesn't it?  Last date for entry is 17 August, details from: Martine, Agent d'Accueil de l'Office de Tourisme du Canton de Laignes Tel : 03 30 81 62 32, Fax : 03 80 81 67 34 Mail : office-tourisme

Unfortunately, Aileen's suspicions would be aroused by the presence of the Tuk Tuk and trailer on the back of the camper so I won't be taking a car but it'll be worth calling in - the fun starts at 0800.

Nick D.
Mitsubago L300 camper van, Honda PC50, Mobylette AV32, Mobylette AV92, Motoconfort X7, Moto Graziella Cheeky Boy, Poirier Manulette MS6 invalid trike, Puch Maxi, Raleigh Wisp, VeloSoleX 5000, VeloSoleX 3300, Power Pak, Cyclemaster & Raleigh RM6.


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2006, 06:43:07 pm »
Well, we didn't make it to the Laignes meeting on August 20 and my source who went there with his Simson Duo - now there's a cracker for you - tells me that it was a bit of a disappointment.  Never mind, there's always the National for those of you lucky enough be able to go and next year's events calendar to peruse!  Nick D.
Mitsubago L300 camper van, Honda PC50, Mobylette AV32, Mobylette AV92, Motoconfort X7, Moto Graziella Cheeky Boy, Poirier Manulette MS6 invalid trike, Puch Maxi, Raleigh Wisp, VeloSoleX 5000, VeloSoleX 3300, Power Pak, Cyclemaster & Raleigh RM6.


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Re: Sans Permis
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 07:27:50 am »
Hello Burford57
You can see the video of the French TV about Laignes on my site :
A not so bad meeting for some of us...