Author Topic: Zweirad Union engine in a Peel.  (Read 4248 times)


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Zweirad Union engine in a Peel.
« on: September 17, 2007, 04:12:11 pm »
i have been trawling the net and noticed a write up of the Peel having a 50cc three speed engine from a Zweirad union family moped.
Interestingly my Victoria Vicky 117 (1963 ish) has a three speed Zweirad union engine ,Its a rare moped but would it justify having its engine liberated to power a Peel. ( and as a result of this has its value quadrupled)
Fiat 500L ,Motobecane 40T & 51V ,Victoria Vicky 117,Trojan Mini-motor,, Honda p50 ,PC50 and NF75, BSA Bantam D10,Raleigh Wisp,Raleigh RM4 ,Garelli Katia and Eurika,


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Re: Zweirad Union engine in a Peel.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 10:38:34 pm »
Needs to be a 4.2PS 3 speed kickstart motor.  Not pedals. Carb will be 17mm choke. Also fancooled with chrome shroud. Serial number on plate is 8041600****

I doubt you have the 'super' moped that the Peel engines were sourced. Very forward thinking machines. This one would have the option of the 4.2PS.  But you never know...
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Re: Zweirad Union engine in a Peel.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2007, 09:19:34 am »
My moped is safe then ,It has pedals, is not fan cooled so not a lot in common apart from being in the ZU family, Incidentally i obtained an Earlier Victoria moped for spares and no parts are similar ,Once Victoria were swallowed up into the ZU group then I presume it was badge engineering as i have seen a DKW which has many similar parts to mine.
Fiat 500L ,Motobecane 40T & 51V ,Victoria Vicky 117,Trojan Mini-motor,, Honda p50 ,PC50 and NF75, BSA Bantam D10,Raleigh Wisp,Raleigh RM4 ,Garelli Katia and Eurika,


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Re: Zweirad Union engine in a Peel.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2007, 09:50:29 am »
In the 1960s I was given a Victoria 'Nicky' scooter. I think this had a 49cc engine.It never ran whilst I had it. It must have been a rare beast even then. The body was in aluminium quarter of an inch thick! When the family moved I dug a big hole under a compost heap and buried it.  :'(   I must have been mad! Come to thik of it, that's when I started on the slippery slope with microcars.  ;D