Author Topic: Qpod deal or no deal  (Read 4783 times)


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Qpod deal or no deal
« on: October 07, 2007, 10:13:23 pm »
I remember Noel Edmunds being the chairman of some Qpod enthusiasts group. He seemed to be a real microcar enthusiast at the time. We had one at one of our ralleis in Peel in or around 2004. Are there any about nowadays? We had a supplier in the IoM at one point, but, yet another failiure. Or small sucess! I wonder how many of the 3 wheel versions were made. They were 3 wheeled but, had 2 stablizing wheels. So i guess they should have been classed as 5 wheel vehicles ha haa. The Qpod city??? I dunno some name like that..........they got some media coverage when the congestion charges where first mentioned for london. I wonder why we don't hear more about them? We hardly here about the piaggio ape 50 either. Are there any members who are owners of these little motors. I would love to have a piaggio ape. But, i've never seen sight nor sign of one in the IoM

Chris Thomas

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Re: Qpod deal or no deal
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 10:46:55 pm »
Dear Bambyman

When Noel started to do Deal or No Deal he sold his share in the business. It was explained to me that the new man in charge started to lean on the sales agents and became very rigid regarding some of the warranty claims and upset a lot of customers and agents, and the network disintegrated. There are Q Pods in the UK but they have a very low profile. They could become collectors items.

Chris Thomas


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Re: Qpod deal or no deal
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2007, 06:26:44 pm »
So Noel took the bankers offer. Hasn't he always??? Must be nice to be seen as dedicated to something and then pack it in for the cash, without many knowing. Money has no use up the petrol and wreck the planet...not a good ethic.

Reading between the lines.....


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Re: Qpod deal or no deal
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 07:52:15 pm »
Several times I have seen one (or more) what i think are Q-Pod(s) in London, in the colours of a large wine shop. There is an enclosed body and 4 wheels, but with a distinct bubblecar-look. Transport for London have far too little imagination to think of Congestion Charge incentives for microcars. I have suggested it to them several times. They have said they cannot do it, because no-one has ever thought of doing it. Really! Mind you. their great contribution to reducing congestion is to introduce articulated buses twice as long as double-deckers which were specifically designed to get the maximum number of passengers in the minimum space!. And when the bendy buses break down, rather too often, they have to be dis-connected and then have two huge tow trucks to remove them from the area. You could not dream it up!
5 wheelers? Well there is now an electric "Granny Buggy" now with 5 wheels. I still feel that IF 3 are not enough for a given design, then-sod it- just go for 4!
Noel Who?
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face


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Re: Qpod deal or no deal
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2007, 08:15:20 pm »
I get the feeling that there is no answer to congestion or pollution charges. The answer has been layed out before them, yet it has been snubbed. Low fuel consumtion is the answer, but, not the answer that is accepted. Things won't change, apart from the cost of everything being altered by the increase in the cost of fuel.....right up until it runs out. Money is a far easier option for the powers that be and they have enough not to complain about it. The damage is done! Man kind will have his great existence, but, like the dinosaurs.

Where's my sandwich board and soap box......

The messiah of low fuel consumption Lord Noel (as refered to at xmas) has given us the answer and we went against him.

I need a golden cow!!!


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Re: Qpod deal or no deal
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2007, 08:17:39 pm »
hic..oops....burp. haa haaa