Several times I have seen one (or more) what i think are Q-Pod(s) in London, in the colours of a large wine shop. There is an enclosed body and 4 wheels, but with a distinct bubblecar-look. Transport for London have far too little imagination to think of Congestion Charge incentives for microcars. I have suggested it to them several times. They have said they cannot do it, because no-one has ever thought of doing it. Really! Mind you. their great contribution to reducing congestion is to introduce articulated buses twice as long as double-deckers which were specifically designed to get the maximum number of passengers in the minimum space!. And when the bendy buses break down, rather too often, they have to be dis-connected and then have two huge tow trucks to remove them from the area. You could not dream it up!
5 wheelers? Well there is now an electric "Granny Buggy" now with 5 wheels. I still feel that IF 3 are not enough for a given design, then-sod it- just go for 4!
Noel Who?