Author Topic: Invalid carriages on TV; help sought  (Read 3460 times)

Stuart Cyphus

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Invalid carriages on TV; help sought
« on: December 27, 2007, 01:03:42 pm »
 Can anyone supply me with details of which episode of "The New Statesman" starring Ric Mayall, has the scene in which he parks in a disabled bay, pushing out the Model 70 that wants to park in the said bay? If anyone has it on tape, which Model 70 was it? Is the number plate seen?

 A very long shot this next one, but anyone rember "stay lucky" from the late '80s/early '90s staring Dennis Waterman. I'm certain I can rember an episode guest-staring wrestler & "auf Weidersain Pet" star Pat Roach, in which he & Waterman are carrying the bodyshell of a Model 70 or Acedes Model 67 across a scrapyard.  ???  Can anyone confirm?

 My next Register Page is due to spotlight the TV apperances of conveyances in general, so all help much appriciated.... 

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Re: Invalid carriages on TV; help sought
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 04:42:34 pm »
"The New Statesman"

Not much help, but you could try asking at the Rik Mayall fan site

Otherwise the complete series is out on DVD and if you don't want to buy it but have a library card, you might be able to order and borrow it through your local library

"Stay Lucky" is a bit more obscure, but the episode guide on the following website has a contact e-mail
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Re: Invalid carriages on TV; help sought
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 10:56:33 am »
Hi Stuart

I was patrolling the charity shops of Dover on Friday when I stumbled across the complete boxed series of The New Statesman on VHS.
There are three tapes, one series per tape, seven episodes per series.  Mine for a bargain £1.99!

The answer to your enquiry comes in episode 2 of seres 2, entitled "Live From Westminster" in which Alan B'stard becomes a TV celebrity.
He pulls his flash convertible into a marked disabled parking bay outside a house, blocking the efforts of a Model 70 to park there.  The driver
of the conveyance shakes his crutch (ooeeer missus!) to indicate his right to park and Alan's response is to hop from his car to the front door
of the house.  Priceless.

The registration number of the car is clearly visible - VPG 245S.

This could be the start of a new career for me - researcher for the ICR!

Nick D.
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Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Invalid carriages on TV; help sought
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 03:34:18 pm »
THANK YOU NICK!!!   ;D  :-*  That's a really big help.  I'm still beatling away on the "conveyances on TV" theme, but at the current time, it might not appere in print until the Autumn or Winter issue.  Never mind, its going to be worth waiting for....

 (Many ta's again nick)