Author Topic: Article in "The Classic Motorcycle", Jan. 2011 issue.  (Read 4009 times)


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Article in "The Classic Motorcycle", Jan. 2011 issue.
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:12:22 pm »
I am wondering whether or not, if any of the 'Bike-fans' read this current issue of The Classic Motorcycle.

From page 44 through 48 (five pages with photos) there is a great article on the ex-Colin Bawden Harding Consort that he sold to Donald Trump.  The Trump Organization owning an IC   ;D  Puts a new perspective on them?   
AC, Acoma, Argsons, Arola, Batricars, Bianchina, Carter, Citroens, Cushmans, Dafs, ElectricPal, ElectricShopper, Elswick, Eshelman, Everest, Goggo, Harding, Invacar, Levesons, Lloyd, Marketeer, Model 70's (AC, Invacar), Nelcos, Poirier, Reliants, Renaults, Sinclairs,Trabant, Trilox, Tippen etal