For the last 10 years via my web site at 3-wheelers.com I have been compiling information for a book about 3-wheelers. After several false starts I was delighted this week to sign a contract to write a book that will be an A-Z of 3-wheelers. The book will be by all accounts fairly large and I need to include around 400 - 450 photos.
I have thousands of images though only around 170 high-resolution ones as I never planned on getting the opportunity to do a book his big.

The publishers are very keen that I include as many period photos as I can and so I would like to ask all you kind people as to whether anyone has period images of any 3-wheelers that I would be free to use (press images and public domain etc). If anyone has any brochures then scans of brochure covers or indeeed any advertisements will make a great addition to the book.
Ideally the images need to be a minimum of 1200 - 1600 pixels wide though anything over 2500 pixels is perfect. I can include images around 1000 pixels if they are extra rare.
Also if any one would like to send me photos of their 3-wheeler for possible entry in the book, I would be most appreciative. All images used will be acknowledged.

Images can be sent to me at
Thank you in advance.