Author Topic: Biscuter Book  (Read 2179 times)

Chris Thomas

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Biscuter Book
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:39:48 pm »
While I was at the Manresa Microcar Rally in Spain it was announced that the club wanted to reprint the book on the Biscuter, which was first published 9 years ago.

Today I have received the following letter. If anybody is interested, your support would be well received. If it goes ahead I have committed myself to the organisation to edit the English translation.

Chris Thomas
Rumcar News

Dear friend,
In 1998, the Catalan publishing house Edicions Benzina launched the book Biscuter, writen by motor journalist and CMCB fellow Manuel Garriga, with a circulation of 1,500 copies. Since the book has long been exhausted, in early 2013 the amateur Pascual Navarro from Alicante started promoting its reprint, with the author overseeing the project, Ramon Pradas as technical director and of course our club as legal publisher.
The book will include a band on the cover indicating “new edition”, which in fact is as it includes an extra 32-pages set with information on maintenance and restoration -to improve car's reliability for use with fewer problems in starting, lighting, brakes, clutch...- as well as a DVD with a report on the technical issues mentioned above and several interviews with people linked to Biscuter.
The project cost is around € 12,000 and to fund it there are two ways: the traditional patronage (involving impeller Pascual Navarro, several club managers and members, and whoever wishes to join) and micropatronage or the so-called crowdfunding, consisting of the anticipated sale of books by minimum contributions of € 25 (price per copy without shipping).
The money will be returned as the book sales go on and we estiamte that if all Biscuter owners and friends buy two or more copies we will reach the budget. If it's no possible,  the project would be canceled and contributions (deposited in an account of CMCB) would be returned to all payers.
If the funds are raised before the summer the idea is to show it in December at Auto Retro Barcelona, ??when we celebrate the 60th anniversary with an exhibition of all Autonacional models and at least one french Biscooter. We study the possible inclusion of a separate text with the translation to English in order to sell the book out of our borders and help in funding.
We expect your cooperation in this ambitious project that we believe will be interesting to many of you.

Best Regards

Clássic Motor Club of Bages

Contributions can be made by bank transfer to the Classic Motor Club del Bages account number (La Caixa IBAN ES09 2100 3093 06 2200279122 CAIXESBBXXX ). Indicate BISCUTER BOOK as a reference, plus name, phone number and number of books you wish to buy.
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I'm interested in contributing with the sum of ........ €
I am interested in buying ........ books at 25 € each ........... €
I want to debit the sum in my bank account ____ - ____ - __ - __________
Name .................................................
