Author Topic: London to Brighton run  (Read 3976 times)

Chris Thomas

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London to Brighton run
« on: November 02, 2013, 02:41:12 pm »
Dear Southerners

Tomorrow 3 November being the first Sunday in November is the  London to Brighton run. Now I know that this is not a microcar event, but it is always great to see cars that are 100 years old being used on the road.

A group of Messerschmitt owners lead by Malcolm T normally meet at Redhill on the Brighton road opposite Brook road.

My brother and I always go and float between there and the traffic lights at Hooley lane. There is a hill where the cars all slow down, and the under powered ones sometimes stop and need a push. The cars start coming through at about 9.00 hrs with the main group at about 10.00 hrs.

The weather forecast is for rain early and improving, so better than last year.

Does anybody think they may join us at Redhill in the morning?

Chris Thomas

Rob Dobie

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Re: London to Brighton run
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 11:02:34 pm »
My brother and I always go and float between there and the traffic lights at Hooley lane.

Have you got raft or a flying carpet now?  Don't forget to take the Turkish delight and magic lamp.  ;D
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Bob Purton

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Re: London to Brighton run
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 10:16:39 am »
Hi Chris. I would have loved to have joined you , something comes up every year to prevent me! This year its clearing out the workshop ready for a certain body shell home coming on Monday. I also have to sort the trailer out for the task. As today and tomorrow are forecast to be sunny and dry its a window I couldn't miss. Have fun and how about a few photo's for the off topic lounge? 

Chris Thomas

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Re: London to Brighton run
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 03:26:34 pm »
Dear Bob and Rob
There was no need for the raft this year as it did not rain, and it was too windy for the magic carpet. We asked the Turkish delight to accompany us but she was too busy washing her hair.

All said and done it was an excellent event this year with 422 cars all pre 1904, some still with their original paintwork, some just able to make it up the hills and all exceeedingly rare. Amongst the entrants were 14 three wheelers ranging in age from 1898 to 1904. Great!

I also enjoy the side events like the Austin car club who follow the cars down, and all the other classic cars like motorbikes and cyclists, some on penny farthings, that follow the main vehicles. Every Year some of the Schmitt owners meet up at Redhill and then follow the pelaton down the Brighton Road. This year being no different.

It may not be a microcar event, but well worth attending along the 50 mile route from London to Brighton.

Chris Thomas


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Re: London to Brighton run
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 07:09:20 pm »
I have never been to it, like Bob, there always seems to be work or chores between me and any available entertainment! One year a band-mate ran it in his old Saab truck, but I was even unable to make that year. I suppose it is part of the price of being self-employed! A few years ago they ran a very old 3 wheeler non-micro, the Grenville Steam Car, the world's oldest running car, which is now at NMM Beaulieu, that would have been a fine sight to see!

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