Bot pic is the item I fought most on Nobs. The transfer of the steering from inside to outside. Every car I had suffered play here. It takes a lot of strain, especially if the working system is winding up several rubbers. It would appear not to have been man enough for the job.
The rack was not such a source of issues as it is, as you point out, adjustable. Bit like the Heinkel, with offset bushings. In the Heinkel these are carried in rubbers and the insert rotates inside these. A very neat steering rack results, few parts, light and accurate. Then you look at other manufacturers efforts and have to snigger and the complex things they cam up with. Think Ernst wins this one even over my beloved Goggo, which does have a flaw to trap the unwary. If I had been doing the Bobette I would have been tempted to ditch the Nob system for the Heinkel one as long is it mounted in the correct place outside. Half the joints are gone directly. The top bush is a better job too.
Hmm, all the best bits of microdesign in one car. What would that look like? No, it would not be a Messerschmitt Tiger before its said! AC Type 70?