Good to see some activity on this topic after so long a hiatus.
My Heinkel Trojan's coil has been so productively spewing its tarry guts in the last 6months of non use, that upon first examination I feared that a family of possums had moved into the garage and started to use it as their lavatory.
I could use a few good compatible coils for Frisky, Trojan and other micros, so am anxiously awaiting the verdict, as well as a suggestion of a good source for same.
I fear that I may be loosing the thread here though with the mention of a Zetta.
I have a Zeta Sport, and know of the Tritech Zettas. But the former are quite rare, especially of shore from Australia, and the latter usually come with a modern power plant, as they are replicas, and presumably would not be fitted with Siba parts.
I also see no mention of a Zetta in Richard's interesting period Bond poster.
What am I missing here?
Richard, I hope you haven't missed your horribly flattened and taped high tension lead to the sparking plug on your single direction rotating Villiers engine.