It all depends how you specify it, but it is VERY hard to nail it down, but I believe these are beyond doubt:
First to get human aloft lighter than air craft : Montgolfier Brothers, hot air balloon
f t g h a : heavier than air: Cayley glider
ftgha ; powered: Clement Ader, Eole
ftgha ; powered sustained controlled : Wright Bros
There are all sorts of other balloon firsts for animals, then powered balloon, then powered dirigible balloon (i.e. steerable!).
Then for heavier-than-air there were various glders and then powered planes without 3 axis control.
Plenty of people flew powered planes, and Maxim's would have flown but was deliberately held down by its rails.
The Wrights were not the first to glide or fly powered craft, their "sustained" first flight was less sustained than other flights which did not have 3 axis control!
The Wrights are defined as the first to fly powered, controlled (i.e. 3 axis control) and sustained. However, many claim that the Wrights early flights were downhill, and/or in strong winds (i.e not capable of taking off or flying sustained without slope or wind assistance!)
The Wright's have largely been credited as the "first" because they had mechanisms to control all 3 axes, but many modern craft fly fine without 3 axis mech....fighters (computer flown) hang gliders and micro-lights and various others.
This means that the 3 normal definitions (powered sustained and controlled) are NOT all necessary, therefore arguably Ader and others DID beat the Wiights.
The Wrights win by the right definition, but the right definition is wrong.....