Hi Andy
(I did get your message, but it's only just now that I've had time to get to the garage and dig out the spare bulb to photograph it.)
I fitted these 35/35 W halogen bulbs about a year ago, but it was only during the Dutch Rally this summer that I first used them in anger. After the evening meal, some miles from camp, I needed to head back to base across empty, unlit countryside - and the main beam effect was absolutely excellent.
However ... the dipped beams had a sharp cut-off and the lit area was very close to the car. Upon reflection, I realise that (living in an area with unlit, but winding and busy country roads) I'm more likely to need proper dipped beams. I'm therefore likely, in the end, to change back to ordinary tungsten incandescents, probably of 40/50 W (and perhaps with the control box limited to 8 A, as I understand Sibas can get upset at prolonged overload).