Posting this up here, as it seems to be a perennial subject.
I have a collection of Isetta wheels some in better shape than others. I think it's generally known that three wheel Isetta's had 3.5" rims at the back and either 3" or 3.5" rims up front depending on the age of the car, with pre '61 cars usually being fitted with the narrower wheels.
My car didn't have any front wheels when I got it, the drums were sitting in the dirt, I used a pair of old 3" rims I had to get back onto three wheels. I also picked up a couple of better condition 3.5" rims at shows many moons ago, however these have a slightly different rim style to the rear rims I have.
My plan was to fit 3.5" rims all round, as they're in better condition, and radials should fit better I think.
Does anyone know if this is correct, were there two different types of 3.5" rim on British Isetta's?
3" rim. Rough but serviceable with some work

Rear 3.5" rim. Good nick but not enough to go all round the car

Alternative 3.5" rim. I have a pair of these, and they're in much better condition than the 3" rims I have as you can see.
The main difference seems to be the outer part of the rim is deeper set than the rear 3.5" rim I have. Perhaps these were British made and the rear rim was German made?