Author Topic: Scootacar wheel cylinders  (Read 5289 times)

Si Bally

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Scootacar wheel cylinders
« on: June 28, 2017, 06:40:59 pm »
Hi all
I have changed the wheels cylinders on my Scootacar Mk1 and frustratingly the back faces of the three wheel studs are rubbing on the newly fitted cylinder. I noticed that the cylinder I removed has witness marks where the hub studs were also rubbing. Is this a problem with the Scootacar front brakes? I have fitted Morris Minor rear cylinders with the handbrake lever cut off. I assume one remedy would be to fit spacers/washers between the hub assembly and the backplate?

Any help would be great.

Many thanks

Simon Balistrari


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Re: Scootacar wheel cylinders
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2017, 06:49:56 pm »
I have had to angle grind a little bit of the cylinder away to cure this, sounds drastic but mine were only rubbing a little. It seems the modern ones are slightly larger  :(
Cream Mk1 Scootacar


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Re: Scootacar wheel cylinders
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2018, 07:18:12 pm »
yes you are right this a problem with the Scootacar front brakes.

steven mandell

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Re: Scootacar wheel cylinders
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2018, 08:24:01 am »
Hmm...a couple of newbies and a chatty- could be a good mix of energy and resources to help me finally get my Mark One Scootacar all together and properly restored.
It took me tweny years to finally land one. 
I bought a Frisky Sport, red and white Nobel 200 along with a Scootacar Mark one as a package deal from Canada at their asking prices about  8 years ago, primarily to allow myself the advantage of getting the Scoot that I had so long lusted for.
The Nobel was the most near running, and was familiar to me as I had already brought in a long hibernating red white and blue blue one from Wisconsin, and gotten all systems running about a year earlier.

Yet somehow, despite the incredibly long period of wanting one, I found it all too easy to not get started on the restoration of my freshly  arrived  and slightly disassembed/ incomplete  Scootacar.
Then just last week I lost my Dad, and realized that I don't have forever to do this, and really had no good reason not to embark on what should amount to a satisfying and worthy labor of love.
So here I am finally getting down to it.
I see that I need headlight bowls as well as proper  headlights, the door's latch engagement mechanism box that fits on the inside of the door, rear plexi window, window and door rubbers, wheel cover spinners, a front insignia, and no doubt more things that will become obvious as I dig myself in.

No luck yet getting a response from Stephan Boyd, despite his earnest and generous offers to assist in the past.
Anybody have anything or information as to where to get what I know that I need so far?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 08:34:14 am by steven mandell »