Author Topic: Electric Microcars  (Read 7604 times)

Chris Thomas

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Electric Microcars
« on: May 08, 2007, 09:58:04 pm »
I was thinking about the two electric microcars that are on ebay at the moment and wondered if there was a maximum electric motor size/power that should be considered for inclusion as a Microcar. If we have a 750cc maximum size for a petrol engine, what would it be for an electric motor. Could we for instance exclude a 3 ton electric truck from the register?

I feel sure that somebody has the answer.

Perhaps the simple answer would be to have a seperate register for electric vehicles, or does one exist already?

Chris Thomas

Bob Purton

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 10:46:25 pm »
Maybe electric vehicle could be catagorised by there  body dimension. I have often wondered who actually set the 750cc limit and what it was based on, not wishing to start up the 'what is a microcar' debate again but maybe we could have a referendum and all vote on what we all think the limit should be. I would plumb for a lower limit personaly, say 500cc. What do you think?


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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 12:10:24 am »
Bobbybubble, thats what i prefere. 500 cc must be the limit.
Mentioned by a 50cc Peel driver among other things, mates  ;D


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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 12:15:01 am »
The european classification is a maximum power of 15Kw (about 20HP)

Question is, are we Europe?

I was thinking about the two electric microcars that are on ebay at the moment and wondered if there was a maximum electric motor size/power that should be considered for inclusion as a Microcar. If we have a 750cc maximum size for a petrol engine, what would it be for an electric motor. Could we for instance exclude a 3 ton electric truck from the register?

I feel sure that somebody has the answer.

Perhaps the simple answer would be to have a seperate register for electric vehicles, or does one exist already?

Chris Thomas


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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2007, 08:10:25 am »

I think we have to stick with the rough idea that is already accepted, otherwise we may alienate existing enthusiasts.

By going for 500cc you would be excluding Fiat 600 etc. that would normaly come along with the Fiat 500's There are probably other examples that would no longer qualify.

My personal opinion is roughly 750cc, but with the emphasis on vehicle body size being more important, for example, Jean has a car in the barn, can't remember the type (Is it a Goliath ?) that she terms a microcar, but it has a massive 4 door saloon body, so I don't think it is the normaly accepted concept of a microcar.

Anyone out there got a big stick, so that we can stir up this can of worms?

All the best



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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2007, 11:33:29 am »
I've noticed that in the US they refer to their cars as either microcars or minicars. In my opinion 500cc and above would qualify as a minicar, whilst everything below is considered micro. Of course there are exceptions i.e. the Bond Bug, but I guess a size rule would need to be established too.

Bob Purton

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2007, 11:46:24 am »
Yes Blob, I noticed that some time a ago. No one is excluded, they all turn up on the same rally field and talk to each other. Another thing to consider is that many of the bigger cars have their own one make club and a register. After all this the register of UNUSUAL microcars.  Bob P

Chris Thomas

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2007, 08:31:53 am »
Dear Friends

Thank you for your comments, but as always things seem to go off at a tangent. I was not intending to propose a change to the 750cc engine rating, but to sort out the issue of electric cars. I do agree about the Unususal aspect  and rarity is an issue, and so is novalty. So to return to the electric issue should electric motor size be defined or should it be on the vehicle size?

Chris Thomas

Bob Purton

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2007, 09:20:52 am »
Sorry Chris for being a rambling old eccentric and straying from the issue. In answer to your original point I say 15kw and no longer then ten feet. By the way are you the same Chris Thomas who bravely tackled druids hill,  brands hatch,  in a trident , two up? I have photos of the epic achievment and was on the circuit myself at the time piloting my first Inter. What year was that now? You see I am doing it again, rambling! Who else was 'racing' that day?


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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2007, 07:41:10 pm »
Interesting debate about electric cars etc. I feel that regardless of actual measurements, it is the "spirit" and style which determine the matter for me; spirit and style applying as much to the owner as to the car!
Of course, I feel that electric cars should be judged by how many drums, cymbals, cowbells and crashers can be belted by the driver as he plows slowly through spectators at a festival procession!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face

Chris Thomas

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2007, 08:09:31 pm »
Dear Bobby Bubble

Whilst I have been around Brands Hatch in a racing car, it was not very eventful and so I fear I am not the Chris Thomas that was the subject of your memories. I am  however imfamous ( or unfamous) for writing the 21 Century Microcar articles in Rumcar News.

Chris Thomas

Bob Purton

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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2007, 10:11:30 pm »
Sorry Chriss for the mistaken identity. I have consulted my records and can reveal that the intrepid trident racers were in fact Malcom and Shiela Thomas. The year was 1998 and the event was in celibration of the 40th anniversary of the TG500. Surely some of the forum members must have been there? It was the event of the year featuring micros of all makes and descriptions belting round the Brands Hatch circuit! Ohh what memories!


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Re: Electric Microcars
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2007, 10:55:07 pm »
Hi Bobby Bubble, I think you are thinking of Malcolm (and Sheiila) Thomas  who have done all sorts of adventurous things with their Triident. Malcolm was Tony's partner when they had the Surrey Microcar Collection in the 1980's and was involved with the very early Burford Rallies.  He  still has a number of interesting vehicles today.
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