Hi Blob. What I was thinking of was if the plexiglass cracked or started to look scuffed in the future it would be easy to change for a new piece. Now that I have fitted it in retrospect it would have been impossible to use rivets anyway because it would have left no margin for adjustment, you see these Inter bodies were hand made and nothing is quite symmetrical, one corner curve where the screen fits is slightly different to the other, one mudguard is not quite the same shape as the other and so on. You can image that for a semi perfectionist, the amount of compromises involved in restoring an inter is hard to bare and in the end you just have to go with the flow! About Berlines, this is a torpedo and will remain so, in the light of what has just been said, even in the unlikely event of a canopy turning up it would never fit anyway. I have no ambition to convert to Berline, there is a reasonably strong case for concluding that this was made as a Torpedo, after bead blasting the body there was revealed a series of aeroscreen holes plus other indications.
The launch literature in 1954 offered the car in the two guises with pictures of both Berline and Torpedo, mine is chassis number 5 so very close to the time of launch, I'm happy to leave as is. It also suits my needs because I already have a greenhouse on wheels, the Schmitt, now I'm looking forward to feeling the wind in my hair[if I had any] and wearing silly Biggles hats and goggles!