Author Topic: Moped Enthusiasts  (Read 49228 times)

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2012, 08:28:39 pm »
okay but one other thing whilst we are sorting it out . we must be much more reluctant to bushwhack a subject . we all do it . if a subject is e.g. 9E carburretors next minute it 's on motorcycles for the rest of the thread and it's all jumbled . we should be more likely to open another topic than take one over with our " hobbyhorse " like others i will often open a thread purely cos it's so quiet with nothing happening .if more micro stuff was posted then less other stuff would be i think.

I don't see anything wrong with it, all topics are open at the same time, if you arent interestyed in a topic then just don't click on it ;)
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2012, 08:58:12 am »
Myself and three chums , all fellow microcar folk as well did the Mince pie moped run yesterday starting at the Orwell Yacht club Ipswich. A great run and fine weather, pleased to report that my 49 Guzzi Motoleggera went fine as did the chums bikes. Here is a link to the official pics. You can see my machine about half way down. A great day out!


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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2012, 09:00:23 am »
Looks like a great run Bob.
Photos all nicely marked-up with copyright as well.

Did you see one of these on the run?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 09:06:32 am by Isetta_Owner »

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2012, 09:39:38 am »
Err no. Should I have? Nice Bike though. My pal in Spain has one of those silencers on his Morini GT.

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2012, 11:08:41 am »
We have the same silencer on our Bianchi!

Talking of mopeds, I haven't posted my new ones!

One of them is horrible (well they both are  ;D ), but they were both free (and in my village!)

The worst one is for parts, no point getting it running.

Second one, I think I was really lucky to get. It's like NEW, and it runs very well! Still a bit "choky" because I'm running it on old fuel (might as well use the 1/2 tank it came with!). The only thing that lets it down is the stickers on the engine covers, and also the chrome on the handlebars is slightly pickled. It also came with a proper windscreen, but I didn;t fit it, it looks horrible with it  :D

It starts REALLY easily (video in a few minutes)

This afternoon I'm gonna try another "moped hunt" in the village, I already know of a few other mopeds in the village ;)

Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2012, 11:23:26 am »

That brings my moped collection to 7 mopeds!
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2012, 01:44:09 pm »
Yeh, the reason why all the silencers look familiar on lightweight Italian bikes is that all the makers bought then in from a specialist maker called Silentium. Same applies to petrol tanks, tool boxes etc etc. Thankfully most used there own engines which is what gives the bikes there character. Keep collecting the peds!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 02:15:06 pm by Bob Purton »

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2012, 04:08:21 pm »
Hehe well hopefully soon I'll move on to more sports mopeds, I like the idea of fast italian ones, but personnally I prefer the look of the BB3 peugeot!

I just don't like the "turtleshell" tanks most malagutis have, or even the square tanks.

Old french ones, to me, have the best look...

THe 3 black and white photos at the bottom are of a Monet Goyon. That really is the "top" for me!

The Motobecane SP50 is also quite awesome!

However, the Peugeot BB3 I have isn't very fast... It accelerates well, but earlier I had a go with my dad (we were on the Peugeot BB3 T and the new Motobecane 50V). I'd say theyre just as fast! Thats why I want to tune the peugeot a bit, by stuffing a bigger carb on and modifying a SPARE cylinder,piston and head! The current carb is a 14mm, but apparently 19,mm Dell Orto carbs work quite well on them!

Well, I'll start by advertising my AU88L (not AV, my one is a Motoconfort), which I'll stuff at a very high price (500€), see if there is ANY intertest, if not obviously bring the price down, but I;m in no rush to sell it, and apparently its worth 400! (so try more  ;D )

Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2012, 04:13:18 pm »
I cant say I like very many French motorcycles, the Liberia is quite nice but mainly because it has an Ydral engine! I do like french scooters though.

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2013, 09:27:40 am »
I cant say I like very many French motorcycles, the Liberia is quite nice but mainly because it has an Ydral engine! I do like french scooters though.

I love most french sports mopeds, and also old french bikes (little 125s are nice, but the 500 JAP motor New Map isn't bad either!)
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2013, 09:36:22 am »
Yeh, that is quite nice, I guess my tastes are stuck in the 1950's.  Looking at the one with the blue tank, you wouldnt want to put your foot near that totaly exposed primery chain, it would cut it straight off! Where's the Health ansd safety officer? The one that a lot of old Frenchmen rave about is the Gnome Rhone.

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2013, 12:57:31 pm »
I recieved something rather nice in the post this morning! High quality prints of the old photos of my white sports moped!


PS: The picture of the owner sitting on it, without the headlamp fairing was when it was BRAND NEW, in front of the peugeot dealer the day he got it!
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Bob Purton

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2013, 04:27:19 pm »
That is fantastic to have this photographic history of the bike. I rather like the fairing!

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2013, 05:00:48 pm »
shame its not on there anymore :(

I will try and look out for an original, but apparentky they;'re very rare and count over 50€ for an original... New fibreglass ones are 20€, but I don't want fibreglass on something so original!
The moped does come with the old helmet and one panier, not the same as in the old picture, it's one of the "slanted" ones. Shame it's not a pair. Doesnt matter, I have a pair for it! (I bought them before even buying a sports moped, they were 1€ each and I thought they'd be perfect on a white BB3 SP!)

Here is a picture with the 1st owner on it in 2012:
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi


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Re: Moped Enthusiasts
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2013, 06:47:49 pm »
i know each to their own but chequered vinyl shopping panniers for a moped are never going to do it for me  :)
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