at home this afternoon receiving delivery of my new company car . i started life as a " travelling salesman " very nearly 34 years ago , i have never had a company car more than 2 years , including changes of company i must have therefore had 17 cars plus - none at all exciting - Cortina mk III's and IV's,Cavaliers, Montego, Sierra , Mondeo,Octavia ,Focus, Golf , Megane etc. all fantastic at what they were made for and now the latest Audi A3 . i am sure i have never ,these 2 years with each car, clocked up less than 70,000 miles . last one was 86,000 - this one 76,000 . this on Britains congested road system . i reckon have nearly travelled as far as to the moon and back TWICE - blimey how much damage have i done to the earth ? and my back !