Some good points made. I watched about half of it, then had a phone call during most of the rest but was looking at it.
May gave a lot of praise to the design concept of VW, but to my utter amazement he made absolutely no mention at all about the Tatra designed by Hans Ledwinka which preceded the KdF Wagen.
The full truth is that Hitler and one of his henchmen (Speer perhaps) plus Ferdinand Porsche had become aware of the Tatra and asked Hans Ledwinka to show it to them. It had a beetle shape, platform chassis, air cooled boxer engine at the rear and was exactly the sort of thing that they wanted the KdF Wagen to be.
And so they copied it, thinking that as Germans they were superior to Czechoslovakians and could plagiarise the Tatra at will.
About 30 years after WW2 ended, VW FINALLY agreed a substantial out-of-court settlement to Ledwinka and Tatra, but Ledwinka died very soon later.
James May is a bright and well-informed man and apparently a pretty agreeable person too (despite a bias to cars rather more sophisticated than those we love!), so I was particularly disappointed that he failed to mention this shameful event, and yet again added to the unfairly-earned reputation and legend of Porsche and VW.
Incidentally, Hitler also decided that encyclopedias were wrong about who invented the motor car. Until then Siegfried Markus had always been credited as the first to make 4 wheeled, petrol powered cars, but Markus was far too Foreign and far too Jewish for Hitler's taste, so he ordered all references to Markus to be expunged from history and replaced with the much more German Mercedes Benz. Many other people and countries around the world have also accepted this "fact"; once created, propaganda and lies never die!
Actually, to me "Car" is short for Carriage and a car or carriage can have 3 or more wheels and be powered by any type of motor, therefore Cugnot's "Fardier" was the first car, and Trevithic's Puffing Devil was the first to drive on roads. Many steam, electric and even petrol cars preceded MB so their claims to have "Invented" the car are dishonest and preposterous. They were the first to put cars into production.
I love Germany and Germans (and their cars, ukuleles, drums, cymbals and percussion!) so I do not want to offend, but I just like to see the record put straight!