Firstly Barry, my best wishes mate, hope your sorted out soon

As for the wee car, I don't think I'm in need for anything just yet but ill remember your offer for future reference
Thanks for the kind words. I will no doubts do more to it than need be, Ill probably spend too much as well but as you said Al, I got a good deal so should be ok as long as I don't go over the top. Just paint and a general tidy inside will do me. I want to keep if for a while so not overly worried. As for the timing, It seems to idle smooth and very low at the moment and no gear crunching. The chap I got it from did clutch shoes and other bits and bobs.
One window frame has rotted at the bottom so ill need to get that off and remade/fabricated. Windows were easy to come out due to this so kind of worried about them going back in as I really don't know the correct way to remove and fit them, any help with this would be great.
It was still registered as Disabled but I stuck Tricycle on the changes part of the log book before sending it off so hopefully that'll be ok.