Author Topic: St  (Read 31796 times)

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: St
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2007, 02:08:19 pm »
Why does it have to be but one person? What's wrong with a co-operative?

Chris Thomas

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Re: St
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2007, 02:38:57 pm »
Dear Stuart

I am with you with that concept.

How about every member of the Register of Unusual Microcars buying a bond to become part owners of the collection. And then moving it to a suitable location like Greenhithe in Kent, on the cross roads of the M25 and the M2, next to Ebsfleet railway station (Eurostar link), and half way between Gatwick and Stanstead Airport to attract both UK and European visitors.

The Museum could be curated by one of us with input from each of us, depending upon our management skills. We could all lend or donate our vehicles and build a Microcar Museum better than the next best Microcar Museum in Europe.

I am sure that development money could be found from the Thames Gateway development funds to get the project up and running and generate some local employment. The shop could sell Tony M's books and back editions of Rumcar News.

I commend the idea to the house.

Chris Thomas


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Re: St
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2007, 03:02:31 pm »
What amount of money are we talking about? Are there any real (actual) numbers floating around? I'de be glad to put in my share.
AC, Acoma, Argsons, Arola, Batricars, Bianchina, Carter, Citroens, Cushmans, Dafs, ElectricPal, ElectricShopper, Elswick, Eshelman, Everest, Goggo, Harding, Invacar, Levesons, Lloyd, Marketeer, Model 70's (AC, Invacar), Nelcos, Poirier, Reliants, Renaults, Sinclairs,Trabant, Trilox, Tippen etal

Stuart Cyphus

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A Unified Micro Movement....
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2007, 03:39:59 pm »
Sometimes it all seems so clear. But sometimes the most logical ideas are those that the crowd listions least to. Periodically over the 30 or so years that the micro world has been in existance someone would rase the idea of mass-merger upon mass-merger until every single micro club or Register in the country is under the same banner.

 In short, a Unified Micro Movement.

 If such a thing had happened back in the early 1980s. then theire would be no question of doubt today about doing anything at all. As I understand things, the idea failed then becuse of some organisations screaming about the "pureness" of their vehicles being diluted.  Lets not open up the old arguments, but answer me this, why will such a thing not work? Most of us are members of several of the differant clubs at one and the same time. Is it becuse we are scared of each loosing that feeling of importance within our own little club, where we would only be one of the many within a big club?

 Here we have a situation that few seem to recognise. The end of Automuseum Story which has been the very epicenter of the Micro world for as long as the Micro World has been around. On our own we can do nothing. Together we could do everything.

 People are scared of change, but change is needed. The micro world is stagnant. Where will we be ten years from now? where were we ten years past from now?  Lets not beat about the bush, the biggest argument is money. Some have more than others but the only FAIR way is for everything to belong to everyone. In a Unified Micro Movement everything really would be everyone. Again, tell me why it will not work.

 We will talk about this for a few days, but as always, nothing will be DONE. People will write the idea off as too difficult. But to move forward means doing thing the hard way. Sometimes the current genaration has to do the work so that the future one can reap the rewards. Rember this though folks, years from now we may be asked; "We had the oppertunity, so why was nothing done?"

                                                         United we stand. Divided we fall.

Jim Janecek

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Re: A Unified Micro Movement....
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2007, 04:41:31 pm »

 We will talk about this for a few days, but as always, nothing will be DONE. People will write the idea off as too difficult. But to move forward means doing thing the hard way. Sometimes the current genaration has to do the work so that the future one can reap the rewards. Rember this though folks, years from now we may be asked; "We had the oppertunity, so why was nothing done?"

I think you will need money. Lots of it.
And then you have to make sure you have the funds to MAINTAIN it.
This collection is not being given away to a good home.
It is being sold.  
I suspect that if a suitable buyer is not found for the entire collection
(minus an unknown number of cars that they are either keeping or were on loan),
the remaining collection will go to auction and be sold piece by piece.


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Re: St
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2007, 04:54:40 pm »
I theory no problem, in reality no chance.  You are talking of several Million to buy the cars, never mind transport then back to the UK and then find a suitable venue to accommodate them.  I doubt that any of the cars that left the shores of the UK in the mid 70's heading for a new life at St


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Re: St
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2007, 04:55:44 pm »
Eurobruce, who could that be??
I rather like Störy at the old place where it belongs to i reckon!
At least this was the meeting point we all know and like for so many years.

Bob Purton

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Re: St
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2007, 06:07:15 pm »
An admiral speach Stuart, you remind me of the young Castro. Fine motives but you forget who you are addressing, most of us own half a rusty invalid carrage and an overdraft! I think Jim is right. The collection will proberbly be broken up, its a shame and no one wants it that way but does not the fact that Otto is tired of all the bureacracy and the never ending cash layout just illustrate how impractical it would be for anyone else to take it on and remember,Otto has the building and the cars in place already, if he cant keep it going what chance do we stand!!! If the collection does get broken up its not the end of the world, the cars will not be destroyed, just spread about a little, RUM members may even be able to buy the odd example or two. Also who know who will come along in the future, in my short time of affiliation with the world of microcars Bruce managed to put together a collection twice over and just look at what the Coopers have done with nothing like the funds of our colonial cousin. History has a habit of repeating its self and my guess is that some wealthy micromessiah will proberbly appear. In the meantime how is this for an idea, why not build on what we already have, we have two museums/collections , RUM and the Coopers, could we be more supportive to these, loan our rare cars for exibit, organise more rallies from these places ect. To date nothing has yet in my opinion replaced the Story rally, could the national eventualy become that replacment if we really push it in europe?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2007, 07:21:33 pm by bobbybubble »

Dan Rodd

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Re: St
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2007, 07:05:36 pm »
i havent even got a passport,so i will never have seen the museum anyway,but think about it,all the cars in Story will have been bought individually,so if they are to be sold individually,who cares?to be honest i think it is better for a great many people to have the chance to own and actually use and enjoy these cars than have them behind ropes in a building.Just my opinion. :)


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Re: St
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2007, 07:40:48 pm »
WOW! Snap with the passport and I even agree with Dan this time!  ;D  If my old Mk 2 Scootacar came up for sale I doubt if I could afford it now.  :'(

Jim Janecek

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Re: St
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2007, 09:36:12 pm »

why not build on what we already have, we have two museums/collections , RUM and the Coopers, could we be more supportive to these, loan our rare cars for exibit, organise more rallies from these places ect. To date nothing has yet in my opinion replaced the Story rally, could the national eventualy become that replacment if we really push it in europe?

an excellent idea and certainly using the same Co-Operative Spirit that Stuart suggested.
Support what you have and try and expand on it rather than attempt to re-create something that is now gone.

What people mostly miss is the Kleinwagentreffen at Stˆry.
A number of people that attended those meets never even went into the Museum.
The Museum (and the camping facilities such as bathrooms and showers) served as a catalyst for people from around Europe to bond to.
It did not start out large, it started out small and grew over the years (like any collection of cars or people).
I do not believe that in this day and age it can be re-created.  
But if you can distill down the reasons that it became so successful and popular, you can apply those to a modern venue and hope it works.

It will still take more money and time than you can imagine to pull it off.
Those of you who have organized an event know what I am talking about.

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Re: St
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2007, 05:10:04 pm »
Is there a website or book with photographs of all the cars, or even a list of the cars that the museum has/had?
Bond Mk D - "The Bond Minicar solves your problem"
Nobel 200 - "Almost as cheap as breathing!"

Jim Janecek

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Re: St
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2007, 06:59:35 pm »
I have a 2-set DVD that will be ready in a couple of days that is a record of the 2000 and 2002 St

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Re: St
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2007, 08:05:11 pm »
Thanks Jim - must have read my mind! Is this likely to be available in region 2 DVD format or is it multiregion? Also although I'm sure I've seen a picture somehwere else, I'd love to know what that green vehicle is at the bottom left on the linked page?


Bond Mk D - "The Bond Minicar solves your problem"
Nobel 200 - "Almost as cheap as breathing!"

Jim Janecek

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Re: St
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2007, 09:04:51 pm »
Its in Region....I don't know what format.

I think it is "region - free" or multiregion.
It is not a commercially pressed DVD so I don't think the region is encoded.
But I guess I will find out soon enough!

The green car you refer to is an Austrian LiBelle owned by Dr. Norbert Mylius and it is on the DVD, looks like a grasshopper, sounds like a chain saw!