An admiral speach Stuart, you remind me of the young Castro. Fine motives but you forget who you are addressing, most of us own half a rusty invalid carrage and an overdraft! I think Jim is right. The collection will proberbly be broken up, its a shame and no one wants it that way but does not the fact that Otto is tired of all the bureacracy and the never ending cash layout just illustrate how impractical it would be for anyone else to take it on and remember,Otto has the building and the cars in place already, if he cant keep it going what chance do we stand!!! If the collection does get broken up its not the end of the world, the cars will not be destroyed, just spread about a little, RUM members may even be able to buy the odd example or two. Also who know who will come along in the future, in my short time of affiliation with the world of microcars Bruce managed to put together a collection twice over and just look at what the Coopers have done with nothing like the funds of our colonial cousin. History has a habit of repeating its self and my guess is that some wealthy micromessiah will proberbly appear. In the meantime how is this for an idea, why not build on what we already have, we have two museums/collections , RUM and the Coopers, could we be more supportive to these, loan our rare cars for exibit, organise more rallies from these places ect. To date nothing has yet in my opinion replaced the Story rally, could the national eventualy become that replacment if we really push it in europe?