seems to have a real one. and you may be right. it may be a on off. if not though it may be note worthy although i don't know if it would fall into the catagory of micro car. i guess that would depend on what they were running in it. is exactly the same vehicle I posted in the Hemmings Blog link above.
Here is how the Internet works: Blogs need content to get you to visit and click links, hopefully clicking ads, either deliberately or by accident.
That's it. That's how the internet works.
So any crazy rumor gets posted over and over and over again, each "blog" trying to make it sound like they have the inside scoop.
For years there was a rumor going around that BMW was making a "new Isetta".
There was absolutely no truth to it, but that did not stop creative people from taking concept drawings of a new smaller BMW - done by a graphic artist not associated with BMW - and proclaiming that it was going to be the "new Isetta". This rumor laid the groundwork for more rumors of when the car would be introduced, pricing and availability, despite the fact that it existed as a concept drawing done not by BMW, but by an auto enthusiast magazine in Germany.
BMW has no "new Isetta" in the wings.
Current computer technology makes it relatively easy for anyone to generate "concept" cars such as the one you originally posted.
Many times these concepts drawings are used to fool people into believing a real one exists, or they are used as sales tools to entice investors for a potential future project.
The actual official website for the vehicle in question appears to be this: appears to be promotion and press coverage with no actual plans to build more. The vehicle appears to be a design study.
It is also powered by a Honda 1.3Liter motor, so it is not really a microcar. It is a very large enclosed trike motorcycle.
Microcars are generally enclosed scooters.